There was a big bargain sale at the department store recently. This store is relay on a Japanese baseball team. So they had "victory sale" and I happened to be there. I didn't know which team won until then.
Anyway, I love shopping so I have looked around and found a good stuff for me. I was looking for a good cooking knife for me. I've already bought 3 of them for myself but all of them are in LA. The ones in my house now are kind of old. I really wanted to have good ones. Then I can get a professional knife sharpener to sharpen my old ones. Since it takes a while and I still need my knives during the days.
Well, I found it! It costed lots more than I have had in LA but it's worth to pay for. This time I also got a small knife. I usually work with just one knife. I decided to try something new.
I may cook much better than before.... I hope so.
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