While my car has gone to the shop, I can have substitute car. I pay insurance and gas but I don't have to pay rental fee. It's one of the good service system in Japan.
They gave me a brand new Subaru Impreza. See the photo below. Isn't it cool?!
It came up with lots of amazing high technology. The most amazing one for me was the car key.

Look at the photo below. There is NO KEY HOLE!!
Then how come I start the engine? Well, see the "engine start/ stop" button on the right side. Just press this and the engine would start. When I cut it off, I press the same button and the engine would stop.
下の写真を見てください。何処にも鍵穴が無いでしょう!!それじゃあ、一体どうやってエンジンをかけるのでしょうか?右側の"engine start/stop" ボタンを見てください。エンジンをかけるときに、このボタンを押します。停止するときも同じボタンを押します。
It also came up with a small "black box" kind thing. When I come by the car, it recognize that I am by the car. Then I touched the door, it would unlocked so I can get into the car. When I get out the car and go away certain distance, it would lock up automatically.
Of course I can lock it with that "black box."
これは、通常の鍵の代わりに"black box"の様な小さいものが使われています。私が車に近づくとそれを感知して、ドア開けようとすると鍵が解錠され、車内に入れます。その逆で、車を降りてある程度の距離になると自動的に施鍵されます。勿論、鍵の代わりの"black box"を使って鍵をかけることもできます。

And this is very quiet car. Not only smooth running of engine but also the audio system......
Well, actually there is no sound system at all. No car navigation system. Not even a radio!

Anyway, I am waiting for my car's return. It will be back by tomorrow. then I can go anywhere.
Does your car inspection happen at a Subaru store? If so, it sounds like they have a good system to get you to test drive new crs (and hopefully buy one).
>Does your car inspection happen at a Subaru store?
Yes. It's very close by my house. (less than a minute!)
Yes, we have a very good system. And it happens not only Subaru store but almost all of other dealers that have such system in Japan.
In fact when I have had my old car (Nissan), they did the same. And of course, they gave me a new one to test it.... hopefully buy one in the future.(笑)
They are very honest also.
I asked them to change the battery and wiper blades if they get too old.
They said that it is still fine and told me to wait until I really have to. So I could save some.
Oh, I got a set of new tire also. They gave me some discount for it. So I trust them.
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