Read part #1 before hand.
Recently Korean movies/TV dramas are getting so popular in Japan. So it is told that the international relationship between Japan and Korea is getting better than before because of them. Korea is our neighbour country so it is a good thing that we can keep such good relationship as well.
By the time I had this "incredible flight", the condition between the countries were not good; so to called "cold war". It was caused by "That politician's activities. "
Under such circumstances, my seat mate on that flight was a Korean business man. I was nervous when I've learned it.
What kind of feeling toward Japan does this guy have? What if he doesn't have any friendly impression toward us? If it would be effected by "THAT political matter..."Under such circumstances, my seat mate on that flight was a Korean business man. I was nervous when I've learned it.
I will have about 10 hours long flight. I have to be next to him for a long while. I was very nervous about it.
I had a chance to talk with him and learned about him. This man, a company president, had experienced the World War II, however, he rather had good impression toward Japan. (Sigh..) It's good to know it. He is a very nice gentleman and speaks English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean of course. He gave me his business card when we got off the plane. Later we had exchanged season greeting cards.
I was lucky that I could have such friendly exchange with this gentleman with no political effects but such "delicious effect". Very nice and lucky me!
Since my seat mate was a nice guy so I could keep forgetting those uncomfortable matter I have had before and could relax myself with after-dinner coffee. Well, when you get full yourself, you know what will happen next. Yep, you want to go "somewhere..."
I never imagined what will happen on me the next moment. Who can imagine such thing?!
What did I faced? Well, just wait. I'm telling you.
After I have finished "my business", I was called by a cabin crew.
He asked me if "it" is mine. I gazed what in his hand.....
I saw something hairy in his hand....
I had a better look. Then I realized that it is moving!
Gosh!!! Oh, no!!!
It was ..... it was a.....
Ha..., Hamster?! And it's alive!!
Wait a minute! Where am I now??!!We are in the aircraft that flies several thousands meters above the Ocean!
Who can NOT be in panic under such situation? Tell me, who can be?!
気を取り直して、キッパリと「NO! Definitely NOT!」と言うのが精一杯の私でした。ほとんど倒れそうになりながら(笑)、席に戻った私に、お隣の紳士が「どうしたのですか?」とお声をかけてくれました。
I was almost fainted anyway, I tried to put myself together and said,
"No! Definitely NOT!"
and managed to totter back to my seat with a pale face. I think I was like 'almost dead person.'
The seat mate asked what was wrong with me.
When I began to tell him what I have seen, there was an announcement of the hamster. It told that the owner of the hamster should give himself up to the cabin crew.
At the same time, it caused quite a stir....
It does make sense. Just think where we were.
Inside the aircraft that is several thousands meters above the Ocean. And it's first class cabin! How come such thing is moving around?
Or what else? Is it just normal to this airline that the hamster should be able to live in such luxury? Look at me. I could have such luxury (and it's one way only!) because of the airline company's fault. Any comments? Ur?
After the plane landing, I saw the crew on the way to immigration. I asked him if they found the owner. He said that they could make it. I wanted to see what kind of person he/she is.
It was even before 911 case so I guess that the security condition was not good enough. When we travel abroad with animals or plants, we have to have quarantine regulations. Because of the regulation , there are many limitation and that protect from the effect of inflow/contaminate bacteria or sort of it that normally don't exist in the residential area. It should be the nation wide rule. (Some of them don't do so well though...)
搭乗チェックイン時の騒動に始まり、色々体験させられたフライトでありました。 Anyway, what kind of fool did such thing? I have faced so many incredible matters from the beginning; check in... What a GREAT flight, ha!
Later I told this story to my best friend in US. She guffawed at my incredible stories. Then she mentioned,
"Can you get another first class seat on the way back home?"
Unfortunately it didn't happened. For next time, I rather accept such mistakes without complaining though...
What would I do if I see the rat again?
It doesn't matter any more. Now I can handle with no matter what would come; either rat or cat.
In addition, several years after this case, an American cat accidentally strayed into a cargo of the aircraft. It was taken to somewhere in Europe. Then the airline company has sent the cat back to the owner in the US by first class seat. It was broadcasted by mass media in those days.
I think that the cat learned about this matter and wanted to defeat the forever rival?!
Ah, I want to be either cat or rat of such kind!!

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