I have had so many things during I was writing this article. I have left it behind for a long while.
I could see my friend, Icchan, when she came back to Japan in late August. It was 5 days after my father's returning home from the hospital. At that time my mother was in the hospital though, I could go to see Icchan somehow. I guess that my parents made me to go for it. Since my mother passed away after the party day. It was Saturday, September 5. Well, I may tell about it some other time.
Anyway, I do believe that my parents made me to go for it. I thank them for I could make it.
Well, the party at Roppongi was very nice. I have met most of them for the first time however, I felt as if I have already known them for a long time. Isn't it amazing? If my parents weren't in such stable conditions, I couldn't join that party.
Our party was held at a nice Korean restaurant. There were many young handsome Korean guys served the meal, explained the way to have them. It must be traditional Korean way of having meals. It was a very new experience to me.
Here is the info of the restaurant.
とん豚テジ六本木店 TEL 03-3868-0311
When you have a chance to visit this restaurant, don't forget to tell them the key words,
"いっちゃんのオフ会ブログを見た=Icchan no off-kai bulogu o mi ta."
(I saw the articles of Icchan off-kai at the web site.)
Then you will have a deal, complimentary drink. According to them, there will be no deadline!
Some of the attendances of the party have their own web pages. I have visited them all. They are all great. I will visit their sites more often when I take over about my mother's matter. Unfortunately almost all of the articles are written in Japanese only.
とまとママさん 「とまとママのお料理日記」
http://ameblo.jp/tomatomama333/gekoさん 「ありがとうを紡ぎながら」
http://happygeko.exblog.jp/aliceさん 「Intemporaliter」
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/alice_snarkwatchさん 「楽しく子育てしましょう♪」
http://mamanikki.exblog.jp/daikanyamamariaさん 「代官山だより♪」
http://ukikomaria.exblog.jp/reikopepさん「flying together」
macchaさん 「Happy Day」
http://macchablog.exblog.jp/ゆずさん 「美味しいおうちごはん 簡単レシピ帖」
My friend, Icchan, is the friend I'm very proud of. Since she is so famous! She has published her own recipe book in February. I guess some of you may see this book at the store already.
いっちゃん(エリオットゆかりさん) 「いっちゃんの美味しい食卓 」
At her web page, she always show us such wonderful dishes. Oh well, I can't make it like her. But I try to follow what I would be able to. Even in one part.
For instance, I like one of her recipe "fig and prosciutto (=uncured ham) salad." The photo below is the one I made following with her recipe exactly. Well, it doesn't look as nice as what she made...

Then I added some raspberries. How about this? Does it look a bit better?