There was a big trouble of O-se-chi dishes that Groupon Japan have faced. Here is
the site that shows the troubled contents. According to the media, there were big difference between the sample photos and what the customer has received. It supposed to be illegal under Japan law. Now this case has been under investigation.
To me it seemed very fishy smelled. If the customer would have researched other stores, they could have known it though...
Anyway I didn't have such trouble so I should say I'm lucky.
This season, we had sort of Italian (or French?) tasted O-se-chi dishes.
You can see what our family has had last season.(
click here)
Now I would show you our Holiday Dishes of this year.

The photo above is from official site of Dean and Deluca.
上の写真はDean and Delucaオフィシャルサイトからです。
Here are the one I got at the shop. Compare the photo above. Absolutely same as each other. And of course the lest of other two were the same. This is what it should be!
以下の写真が購入した実物です。上の写真と比較してください。全く同じでしょう? あとの2つもサイトの写真と全く同じでした。これが当然あるべき形ですよね!

They were all delicious! And they went well with French champagne we've had!