Part 1 Early August
その1 八月上旬
At Lake Yamanaka, there are may good spot for dogs to visit. This cafe, K's Point is one of them. It locates right in front of the lake and the view is not so bad. We had tea break there and took a walk. Terry loves this place also.
山中湖にはワンコ用に最適の場所が沢山あります。このカフェK's Pointもその一つです。山中湖の真ん前に位置し、眺めもナカナカですよ。ここでお茶休みをしてから湖畔を散歩しました。テリー君もこの場所をとても気に入っています。
The appearance of K's Point.
K's Pointの外観はこんな感じ
The view from the room. You can see Lake Yamanaka behind the trees.
Terry is having cheese cake that is especially made for dogs. I mean it doesn't have any artificial/chemical ingredients at all. He usually has dog food. He can have it only when he would have such special occasion.
This is one of the restaurant owner's dog. Looks so cute! There are many dogs that the owner has and the dogs always welcome their costumer. That day, I saw flat coated retriever also. All of them are well trained.
おや、誰かが私達に「こんにちは」と言っています。テリー君と同じ犬種、ウエストハイランドホワイトテリアです。間違いなくお仲間だね!! 誰なのかな?
Hi, Terry!
Hi Keith!
It is one of the staff's dog Keith.
やあ、キース !
After we had fun time there, we were heading to our home. On the way back, we could see Mt Fuji. At first, I thought I could not make it but we did!
to be continued to part 2