Monday, September 20, 2010

Lake Yamanaka and Mt Fuji #1

Part 1 Early August
その1 八月上旬

At Lake Yamanaka, there are may good spot for dogs to visit. This cafe, K's Point is one of them. It locates right in front of the lake and the view is not so bad. We had tea break there and took a walk. Terry loves this place also.
山中湖にはワンコ用に最適の場所が沢山あります。このカフェK's Pointもその一つです。山中湖の真ん前に位置し、眺めもナカナカですよ。ここでお茶休みをしてから湖畔を散歩しました。テリー君もこの場所をとても気に入っています。
The appearance of K's Point.
K's Pointの外観はこんな感じ

The view from the room. You can see Lake Yamanaka behind the trees.

Terry is having cheese cake that is especially made for dogs. I mean it doesn't have any artificial/chemical ingredients at all. He usually has dog food. He can have it only when he would have such special occasion.

This is one of the restaurant owner's dog. Looks so cute! There are many dogs that the owner has and the dogs always welcome their costumer. That day, I saw flat coated retriever also. All of them are well trained.
Oh, someone said "Hello" to us. The same kind of dog as Terry, West Highland White Terrier. It must be his buddy!! Who is he?
おや、誰かが私達に「こんにちは」と言っています。テリー君と同じ犬種、ウエストハイランドホワイトテリアです。間違いなくお仲間だね!! 誰なのかな? 

Hi, Terry!
Hi Keith!
It is one of the staff's dog Keith.
やあ、キース !

After we had fun time there, we were heading to our home. On the way back, we could see Mt Fuji. At first, I thought I could not make it but we did!

to be continued to part 2

Spanish search engine

I found out that my blog is on top of Spanish search engine. It may not happen so often so I took a picture to remain such moment.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lake Kawaguchi, August 2010

We went to Lake Kawaguchi in mid August. That day, I was worried about the aftereffect of typhoon on the way to go. Fortunately there weren't any of it except rainy weather. We even enjoyed sunshine after we had lunch there.
At lunch time, auntie Nobue and Terry's Mama had pizza and spaghetti but thy don't have particular menu for dogs. So Terry had the own one that we brought with.
You can see a view of Lake Kawaguchi through the window by Terry's seat. The restaurant's name is Old Friends.
The appearance of the restaurant. It also has small leash free dog park by the building so Terry played there a bit.
Terry looks for his play mates. Anybody is coming? He could played with a couple of buddies after all.
ミニドッグランで。お友達が来ないか覗いているテリー君です(笑) 。このあと2~3のお友達が来て遊ぶことが出来ました。

Monday, September 13, 2010


On my previous article, it told about Terry's swimming day. After that, we moved toward a restaurant for our lunch. It accepts entering dogs, our favorite place to eat with Terry. Then we met Princess!?

Her name is Hime that means Princess in Japanese language. Wow! How pretty she is!!

And of course, Terry tried to ask her out!!
Hello, Lady. Would you like to go out with me tonigh....

But she gave him the brush-off. Yep, he got the red card!
Oh, poor boy! When can he make it? Someday....
可哀相なテリー君。恋の実る日は来るのかな? きっといつかね!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Experience of Subaru Legacy "Eyesight"

I went through this brand new security system of Subaru Legacy "EyeSight"(click it) today. It was marvelous miracles what modern technology could do!! Amazing! I have known it by their commercials though. The real experience made me a shock!
There are some motion pictures with explanations also. It goes in Japanese language only but you can understand it by the pictures.
Legacy "EyeSight" motion pictures

The system is not only stop the vehicles but also it can chase after other car in front of it. We should call it as a new auto cruise system. It was another surprise to me also.

Here are photos that I took at the car. It couldn't show them so clear since it's my cellphone camera. Too bad!

It reminded me of American popular TV series called "KITT of Knight Rider". It was totally fiction in those days. But it is the REAL thing in contemporary Japan! Surprise! Surprise!!