All Rights Reserved by Nobue
Wishing you a very happy new year!
Due to comment moderation system, your ones may NOT show up instantly. コメントは承認制を採用しており即座には反映されません。 I have two web pages. Feel free to visit both of them. Here is the other one. http://nobueroamingbird380.blogspot.com/
I bought some crystal glassware lately. I have been looking for such kind. Then I found them at the outlet store near Costco. I found them on their official USA website (click here) but could not find them at Japanese one. Anyway I could get what I wanted. Hoooray!
You can say either Japanese currency or US ones. For our convenience, I would take special exchange rate; $1.00 equal to 100 yen. Write your answer at the comment box. The Prize?
Well... You can get Hugs and Kisses and Christmas Wishes from these cool guys below.
Hey, Ralph and Pug! It's your time! Give them hugs and kisses.
Oh, yeah! So how do we look like, Nobue?
You guys look soooo coool!!
ラルフ君とパグ君、出番ですよ! 正解者に愛を込めてハグとキスをしてちょうだいね。
I've heard that Christmas is sort of Fiesta in Japan and that's why they wear this Matsuri coat or kimono, right Nobue?
Oh well.... sort of. Anyway, you guys are so cute with these kimonos!
He is only 2 months old!
まだ2ヶ月の子も参加してたんです。Looking forward to see them again next year.