I have taken many photos for my father every time. Since he has been in the hospital and wanted to know how the remodeling work was going. Now all the construction have done and he learned how much it has changed. He looked happy also.
It shows the kitchen under the construction. The photo on the left shows the old kitchen sink.
It has used over 30 years and got so dirty and ugly.
The floor storage was replaced since it got so old and partly broken. I had to get a new one for safeness. There were just a hole on the floor so it was covered by a plate for security reason.
It shows after the construction.
It is a new floor storage. I also got a new floor. Then I don't hear the sounds (something like cracking) any more! So I have to keep it clean... not like it used to be.
Can I make it? Well..... worry.. worry...
Does anyone come to Japan as a house maid? If you would, I'd love to pay for it! :-)食器洗い乾燥機も付けました。日本ではまだ馴染みが浅いですが、食洗機先進国と言えるアメリカの友人達の家にはほとんどありまして、その便利さは充分体験済みです。だからこれも絶対付けようと思っていました。お鍋やオーブン皿も洗うから、組み込める最大容量のを選びました。それでも友人達のよりはるかに小さいですけれど、そこは日本のお家芸「ハイテク」でカバーです!
I got dishwasher too! It is not a common thing in Japan yet. I think that America is far ahead of it. In fact almost all of my friends in USA have dishwashers in their house. I have learned how useful it is while my stay there. I have planned to have it when I would remodel my kitchen. Then I made it.
I picked up the maximum one for my kitchen size. It is still a smaller one than my friends' though. It had many hi-technique functions instead. It cares not only dished but many cooking tools. It surely make me easy.

I picked a foldable shelf also. It is very useful for such small house in Japan. When I don't use it, It can be hide under the shelf. Yes, I really like it!


Very nice!
I really like my new kitchen. It was such a big job of both kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Now I have got a comfy life than ever!
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