Sunday, August 1, 2010

Watching Fireworks Fiesta from my house

July 31 (yesterday) was Sumida-gawa firework festival day. I had planed to be there but I couldn't make it. I have very bad knee pains and could not walk normally. Of course I'm having medical treatment though. I had to give up to go there. I felt sad.
(The photo on the right is from official web site)

So I was going to watch it on TV since they have special program that night. Soon after I turned it on, I heard something explosive devices from outside my house. I looked through the window and saw a fireworks over there!
I grabbed my camera and went upstairs, went out on the balcony.
Wow! I can see them even from my house!
This was not Sumidagawa's one but Tachikawa Fiesta one. They held such fiesta everywhere in the same day. I even could see other ones that launched at SEibu-enn. So I won't complaint.

Anyway it was so hot that night. I quenched my thirst by this fancy stuff.
まあ、とにかく喉の渇きをこんな物で癒やしました。Instead of Yebisu, I had Harida (Vietnam) beer. Also ebi-senn, my favorite snack. Yummy night!
(It went much less foam since it took long while to take photos anyway.)

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