まだまだ片づかないキッチンですが、以前から考えていた用具や小物も少しずつ そろえています。今はこんな感じです。今日お玉などを立てるツールスタンドを買いました。
I still organize my kitchen. I know it is a big job and I work for it little by little. I have got some tools as I have planed. Today, I got a cooking tool stand. My kitchen lately is like the photo below.
Today, I bought this pan. It is the same brand as I have already got from a mileage point program of a grocery store. I paid for it this time.

ところで壁面のパネルに張り付いている物が気になりませんか?この赤い丸井物は何でしょう? これは、鍋敷きで、磁石で張り付いているのです。キッチンパネルがステンレスなので、使わないときはこうして貼り付けておけば場所をとらなくて便利です。今日見つけたのですが、スペイン製だそうです。
Well, do you recognize a red round thing on the wall? It is a pot holder. It is staged by its magnet. This part of my kitchen wall is made of stainless steel so it works. When I don't use it, it stays on the wall and I can have more room on the counter.
I found it today. They said it was made in Spain.
The function I like the best is like this. In case I use steel pans, it sticks and I can carry it to the dining table at a time. My kitchen counter is also stainless steel , however, because of its surface, the holder sticks on pans only. Very convenience!

こちらのトナカイさんは鍋つかみです。オレゴンの友人からのクリスマスプレゼントです。だから季節に関係なく使っています。とても可愛いでしょう?これは磁石のクリップでつり下げてあります。 その左横にオーブン用のグローブも置きました。
This reindeer is a glove pot holder. It was a Christmas gift from my Oregon friend. So I use it all year around.Isn't it cute? It is hold by a magnet clip also. Besides, I put some gloves for oven on the left of it.
On the other hand, I have some more pot holder that are staged by a magnet. You see a Christmas patterned one underneath. It was from one of my Ohio friend.
It goes slowly but my kitchen layout plan works little by little.