I ate out with my friends in a Korean restaurant at the Korean town in Tokyo last month. Actually I can't handle with spicy hot stuffs. In fact I had cold noodle named reimen once. Then it bothered me and sweated a lot. Since then I was nervous to have such spicy things.
But this time, I was with my friend who knows which would be spicy ones or not. So I followed their advice and picked a mild one below. It is bibimba, one of traditional Korean food. It tasted good and I liked it.

Today, I joined two events. The photo on the above is "mochituki (making rice cakes)" that was held at nursing home where my Mom stays. It is the place my mother stays. Everyone watched the process of making mochi and seemed to enjoy watching it.
What would they do the mochi after all? Well, I don't think the old people can eat it since it's too sticky and risky for them. So I guess the staff of the home or family member of the home residence may have it. I didn't stay there till the end of it so I 'm not sure about it though.
I forgot to bring my camera with me so I used my cellphone camera.
Then I have moved to my friend's area. It was held a Christmas concert. See the photo on the bottom. In this area, lots of people involved many choir activity for many years. It was organized by someone who relay on my former work place. Yes, I used to work there. It is also the place that I met with her about 20 years ago. And my acquaintance performed at the concert.
The concert was very nice and unique. There were lectures of music history and choir performances. They demonstrate how it works with the lectures so it was easy for us to understand. Instead of "Seeing is believing", I would say; "Hearing is believing!"
The concert was very nice and unique. There were lectures of music history and choir performances. They demonstrate how it works with the lectures so it was easy for us to understand. Instead of "Seeing is believing", I would say; "Hearing is believing!"
I have kept a good manner. I didn't want be rude. So I took a shot in between the song to song, so quietly shoot it! This place reminded me of those old memories. I had such fun time there.
After the concert, my friend and I went a nice restaurant to have late lunch. But I forgot to take photos. Well, next time....
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