Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Thanks Giving!
Thanks for visiting my web page!
Happy Thanks giving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
素敵なバースデーギフト Lovely Birthday Gift
It had happened a while ago. I had my birthday in October. Then I have received my birthday gift from my friend in November . Well, some people may conscious for its birth date however, I don't mind it at all. I rather have such fun even after my birth date. Isn't it nice that I can have more fun days?
Guess what was the gift?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Autumn colors 美しき秋色・・紅葉


a view of Mt Fuji from the Music Box Museum
Just as usual, I was getting hungry when I have such trip. I want to have something nice also. So I had my lunch at the restaurant inside the museum. They have a set plan that includes admission and lunch fee for about 2,700 yen. If I would pay separately, it costs 3,900 yen. So I think it is not so bad for me.
Just enjoy watching such lovely flowers while I was waiting for the food. It made me very relaxed.そうしているうちに、ハムと野菜のアペタイザー(前菜)が運ばれてきました。車を運転するのでなければ、絶対ワインを頼むんだけどね~。何しろ日本のワイン中心地とも言える山梨県のお膝元ですから。残念ですか、この日は断念せざるを得ません。
Then fresh ham and warm vegetable appetizer has come. Ah, if I didn't have to drive my car, I was sure I had wine but.... !
It is a famous wine area however, I can't have it. May be next time....
Well, I should take "Hato bus tour" or else.メインのパスタが運ばれてきました。2種類の中から選べるのですが、私はキノコのパスタを選びました。色々な茸の香りもするブラウンのソースがとても気に入りました。コーヒーとパンも付いていました。うかい亭の系列と言うことを考えれば、お値段的はお得かも知れません。
Here comes main dish, mushroom pasta! It smelled so nice. I liked this brown sauce with many kinds of mushrooms. It also came with coffee and bread. You can choose one item from two different kinds on the menu. I think it was a reasonable price, since it is served by Ukai-tei, sort of hi ranked restaurant.
After the meal, I was full and walked along the road in front of the museum. The colors of maple leaves were so pretty! I couldn't resist to take photos. I also took a motion picture. It was windy and cold but this beautiful scene made me felt very warm.
Here is the motion picture. You can hear the sound of such strong wind... and can feel cold air, right?
Friday, November 7, 2008
260 Westies gathered in Tachikawa
Yes, it was a big meeting. So it was hard to take photos for all in one shot. Then I tried tape a motion picture by my compact digital camera. I wanted to upload it yesterday but it took so far long to be ready for my web page.
Such large number of Westie owners have gathered on that day.
Terry can raise his hand when we ask him .
He was asked, "Who wants this?"
He replied, "Me!"